Discover relationship challenges and visualize consequences
Play to improve knowledge and shift norms about SRH
Decide and replay based on achievements and feedback
Act on product, service links to improve real life outcomes
Games provide a safe, private space to discover, practice, fail and try again. Go Bro leverages the Social Norms Theory (SNT) to address gender norms transformation through the lens of understanding peer dynamics and perceived normative behavior. The choice architecture provides opportunities to reflect on and deal with rejection, embarrassment and failure without the social stigma that young men face. Our games are proven to improve knowledge and attitudes.
Reviews from Boys
I learnt what is important before sex, what might be harmful… In school we have only learnt about condoms, the copper IUD was new to me.
16, Jaipur
The storytelling of the game is good, and Vikram’s replies are also good. If a younger boy asks me anything, I would recommend this game. Even if he plays the game only once, he will gain some knowledge.
19, Jaipur
If you don’t know anything about relationships, you can get guidance through this game
15, Jaipur
After playing this I will do things differently next time… When we are ready to kiss, I will ask her, and won’t force her.
18, Patna
Created By
Howard Delafield International and its consortium of experts, collaborators, and contractors have implemented and launched Go Nisha Go and Go Bro under the Game of Choice, not Chance banner. These first-of-its-kind mobile games for young people are avatar-driven, choice-based and co-designed by young people. They provide an entertaining and safe space for exploration and learning through interactive role-play in a virtual world.
More Games
Go Nisha Go
Mobile Game
Go Nisha Go® is a simulation game where you can make choices with Nisha, to help her reach her manzil. Choose from options in this interactive story-based game and unlock new possibilities and choose outfits. In each episode, score points based on the choices you make for Nisha
Learn More
Ask ParoAI Chatbot
A chatbot offering a safe, private, non-judgmental space for girls aged 15-19 to ask about reproductive health. Available in English and Hindi, it covers menstrual management, consent, and contraceptive methods and features voice and video in a friendly, understandable tone.
Web portal platform
Kikikuka is an amazing online platform that blends knowledge with fun. It focuses on safety, relationships, safe sex, lifestyle, career, and periods. You'll find content like memes, listicles, image carousels, and videos. Available in Nepali and English, Kikikuka is your go-to destination.
Girls Hostel
Web portal platform
A role-playing game for girls in Nepal, to build efficacy and increase knowledge about SRH. The game is being co-designed with young girls in three provinces and is slated for release in October 2024.
Coming Soon
Research funded by USAID in 2019 for the design of Go Nisha Go™, revealed the importance of early and complementary interventions with adolescent boys in India. Our formative research suggests that the pressure to provide, protect and initiate intimacy leaves boys little room for exploration and failure. Forced into a role of emotionally isolated individuals, boys perceive phones as companions, games as spaces to exercise control and pornography as the primary example of intimacy. Our goal is to engage boys to achieve health and gender equitability outcomes.